Filter media bags 25 Kg Granular activated carbon

Granular activated carbon is a filtering compound that has the ability to treat water in order to make it potable and suitable for use and consumption.

Activated carbon filter media is often used for filling water treatment filters. It is a granular filter media based on vegetable or mineral carbon that has a high capacity of reaction and absorption with different chemical compounds present in drinking and industrial water. It is used for a wide range of applications.

All our activated carbon filter media are specific for use in water treatment filters. They are loaded in the same way as any conventional sand.

Below, we attach a video of how to load a carbon filter.


Active carbon parameters:

Activated carbon filter media are designed to be placed in filters and have the following characteristics:

  • Granular activated carbon with Iodine index - 900-1000 mg/l .
  • Hardness - 98% .
  • Particle size range - 12x40 .
  • Supply - 25 kg bags .
  • Suitable for drinking water, well water and waste water treatment .


Activated carbon filter bed applications

Mineral activated carbon can be used to treat a wide range of well, waste and mains water types.

  1. Removes odors, tastes and colors from water.
  2. Absorb toxic compounds from water such as pesticides, detergents, paints and other organic compounds.
  3. Can be used as pretreatment of industrial water for discharge into rainwater and wastewater.
  4. Removes different compounds of chemical origin due to its porous action.
  5. Removes chlorine from water by means of IMA water dechlorinating filters.
  6. Improvement and reuse of potable water for human and industrial consumption.


Where to buy activated carbon for water treatment

At IMA water we have a transport and shipping network for all our filtering products and water treatment filters to any part of Spain.

For its supply only the customer must indicate the place of supply and the number of bags of activated carbon needed.

If you would like us to provide you with the best price for activated carbon, please contact our technicians.


Contact us without obligation by phone or email for any technical advice or purchase of our equipment.